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Planning Accommodations Emphasizing Preservation of Dignity, Healthy Comfort, & Affordability for Seniors, Veterans and Similarly Challenged 

Valley to Valley is a 501(c)3 organization that has been successfully serving senior citizens in the Upper Arkansas Valley for over 11 years, winning many awards for the care services that it provides and assisting dozens of central Colorado families in the process.   Acceptance and enthusiasm for the services of Valley to Valley have steadily grown making it necessary for the organization to seek expansion options to meet the demand.   Typical patient families at Valley to Valley need varying levels of assistance with a number of tasks ranging from simple companionship and things-to-do to more demanding help with daily function and specialized care.   Often the facility is engaged on a day by day basis to accommodate the needs of family caregivers or full time caregivers for a break to give them a chance to catch up on personal chores, shopping, etc.  


Patients in the facility are occupied, at their varying levels of physical and mental agility, with crafts, gardening, and a plethora of activities designed and managed to make their time more enjoyable and productive.   Accordingly, the facility needs to be equipped with both indoor and outdoor recreational therapy spaces as well as provisions for rest, bathing, dining, relaxation, TV watching, reading, etc.


The facilities envisioned to accommodate the above described needs will consist of a ranch-home-style building incorporating individual private rooms, private or twin sleeping rooms, lounge area, library, dining hall, commercial kitchen, private-use space (family groups), craft and exercise room, lots of bathrooms, worship & meditation spaces, as well as the necessary staff support and administrative space.  As further growth is experienced, the residence wing should be extendable and a separate but nearby group home-like lodging facility with covered connection to the main home facility.  Emphasis needs always to be on maintaining a home-like environment as opposed to the institutional feel.


In the interest of attaining the operating benefits of energy conservation and full life-cycle cost optimization, the facilities are to be designed to make prudent use of building materials, furnishings, fixtures, appliances and life-safety/care/wellness technologies.   Care will be exercised to favor planning choices that will preserve local character, adapt sensibly to specific local strengths and limitations, reduce long-term functional challenges, preserve the sought- after rural ambiance, and mitigate negative impact on surrounding landscapes within realistically achievable budget constraints.


In as much as current accommodations are in shared facilities and often at maximum capacity, new facilities in Salida, and Saguache are needed as soon as practical.  Land has been donated in Saguache for the specific purpose of encouraging the establishment of new Valley to Valley operations in that community.  Facilities are needed as quickly as can practically be funded and constructed.  That construction in Saguache is underway and moving along very well.


Find out what is being planned in each specific community and how you can participate by clicking on the following easy-access links...






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