Valley to Valley Senior Care Centers
Affordable Care Alternative in Central Colorado

Day Respite Care


Providing Respite ~ Safe & Reliable Daycare
Full time 24/7 caregivers (whether family members, friends, hired services, or others) need a break from time to time. Necessity dictates that respite time, time for shopping, medical or personal appointments, child care, administrative duties etc. be available to accommodate their personal needs. On those occasions, we provide a safe, professionally trained, and caring staff to assure that you can be comfortable taking time away from your senior in need of monitoring and that during those times they will continue to feel valued, stimulated and unthreatened by their immediate environment. Those placed in our care are treated with love and respect no matter how short their stay. Our trained staff take care of meals, snacks, bathing, toileting, medical apparatus, exercise, therapy and even entertainment with crafts, live music, tv and many other interesting diversions.
Valley to Valley Senior Care Centers provide these medically supervised day-care services to our guest patients:
Personal Hygiene Care
Assistance with Daily Living (ADLs)
Physical Therapy
Speech and Respiratory Therapy
Medical Apparatus Assistance
Administration of Medications
Supervised Arts & Crafts Activity
Outdoor Field Trips, Fishing Trips
And many other activities

"My mother, Charlene A. is 85 years old. She has macular degeneration so her eyesight is poor. She has hearing aids and uses a walker.
My father...passed away in October. They had been married for 67 years. They had done everything together. Raised a family, ran a business together, and relied on each other for their everyday needs.
Since October, we have had someone with mom 24/7. Assisted Living away from the home is not an option for us. Mom wants to stay in her home.
Cathy, my sister, and I have been taking care of mom with help from other family members and friends. While this is working it takes a toll on everyone involved. We needed some help.
We had heard of Valley to Valley through some friends and decided to take a look at what they had to offer. Cathy went down to look things over and met Eve. She showed her around and explained what they do with and for their clients. I was apprehensive to leave mom with just anyone. So I went down and was immediately impressed with not only the comfortable surroundings but the compassion of Eve and her helpers. So ew talked to mom and she was willing to give it a try. Financially we cannot afford private care day in and day out.
Valley to Valley's rates is affordable. On top of watching her, they take the worry out of fixing breakfast, lunch, and dispense meds 2 times a day.
Mom has been understandably sad and grieving since dad's passing. Not talking much, not smiling, or even willing to doing anything but sit in her chair and look out the window. Her circle of friends is small. So her social interaction with people her own age has been limited. Her physical strength had declined from sitting too much. Well, things were about to change.
Eve had the van stop and pick her up on a Monday morning and off she went. The first couple of days she slept a lot and didn't engage much with the other clients. After the first week, mom started telling me all the things they are doing. She told me about her new friends she met at the center. The games they were playing and all the activities they had.
At first, she just watched and said I can't do that. But Eve kept working with her and found things she could do. Now she is helping with quilts and playing games.
She really likes the guys that come in and play guitar and sing for them! She is coming out of her shell. She feels better because of the exercises and the great food they feed them. Her attitude is much better with something to look forward to. She has people her own age to talk with. "

"She smiles and laughs when talking about the happenings of the day. This is just what she needed. Eve said the other day "your mother blossomed this week". You have no idea how that makes me feel. This has been a Godsend. Mom has a reason to get up and going in the morning. I can run my business and not worry about checking on mom 3 times a day. When she gets home we all have things to talk about.
I am not sure where we would be without Eve and her crew. I know mom would not be where she is physically and mentally without her help. I had a nurse tell me the other day mom looks better than she has in months!
I feel it is important to help Eve expand her services. She is wanting to be able to care for her clients when their caregivers have to leave or need a break. This would be very helpful for us. Please feel free to stop by with any questions about the care or service Eve provides. I would recommend he services to anyone
Craig A
“This summer has been a wonderful time for my mother, Betty B, who has advanced dementia/Alzheimers and has been living with my husband and me for the past three years. She started going to Valley to Valley in June and has looked forward to going each day ever since. Prior to that time, she had no interest in doing anything. When she arrived in June, we stopped by and met everyone and Eve showed me around while mother joined in with the group singing hymns along with the guitar player. I was already pleasantly surprised because we had not heard her sing in over three years. The accommodations are homelike, clean, and comfortable. ...She has blossomed into the kind of caring mom she always was. she has started back crocheting, knitting, doing crafts, and making friends. I have seen the careful notes that are made regarding my mother's health checks and medicine administration, and am kept well informed about how she is doing at least a couple of times each week."
Gary and Marcia F.
“Currently my mother has been a patient for three months and has excelled in alertness, mobility, and eating superb diabetic meals. ...I've seen my mother's mental, physical and outright demeanor improve since she has become a patient and how her entire being has come to life; and I recommend Valley to Valley Senior Care Center in high regards to anyone who is seeking quality elderly care for their loved ones."
Donna M.
“It is with great appreciation for the work that Valley to Valley Senior Care Center has done for my mother, that I am writing this letter. ...Valley to Valley offers great service to seniors. ...The respite-Assisted Living-Day Care has been able to serve years ago, would have meant that the last years of my mother's life would have been with those who loved her, and those she enjoyed the company of through Valley to Valley.”
Robert M.
"It is fantastic that you are VA and TriWest Health certified for your services. This will help many looking for your excellent care in both locations.
Terry G.
Senior Crafts:

Our guest's 2021 Chaffee County Fair blanket and jelly entries were an award winning hit! Congratulations Seniors, well done!!